Amazing Facts is a worldwide, multifaceted, soul-winning ministry committed to proclaiming the Gospel. We believe in the imminent return of Jesus Christ and in doing our part to lift Him up to the entire world.

Amazing Facts is a worldwide, multifaceted, soul-winning ministry committed to proclaiming the Gospel. We believe in the imminent return of Jesus Christ and in doing our part to lift Him up to the entire world.
Solid Rock Christian Assembly, led by pastor Garth Rowe, delivers inspiring, life-changing messages filled with wisdom and love. Recognized for his boldness to speak timeless truths at such a time as this, Pastor Garth connects political, social and economic issues with the Word of God.
JCT is an engaging verse-by-verse study of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke/Acts, John). It is both comprehensive and inspiring. Cantelon’s perspective is unique in that he planted the “King of Kings” Church in Israel and lived in Jerusalem with his family for seven years. He knows the country, culture, and…
The year the Internet was born, our founder, James Fitzgerald, envisioned a brand new way to present the Bible: it would be the first ever videobook. You could watch, read, and hear it all at once with scenes, text, narration, music, and SFX. When he shared his vision with other…
David Aldous Has been doing television work for many years, he’s acted in movies and take prayer requests from people on GOD TV, continuing his work in television here is Worship TV. Religion Click here to some of his work Worship TV is an exciting and new television programme we…
The Bottom Line is an interview program hosted by Dr. Ray Cradock with people from different backgrounds discussing various topics including those subjects that the ‘church’ doesn’t usually address. One of the programs signature pieces is an hour glass to remind people that time is running out and that Jesus…
C.O.F.F.E.E with God. Covenant, Outpouring, For, Favor, Expectation, & Empowerment. Broadcasting from El Paso, Texas, join Pastor Lori Bowden and her guests and enjoying a Coffee with the Lord
Bible Discovery is the online media center proclaiming the truth about Jesus Christ to those who are eager to learn more. BDTV trains and equips its viewers to live each day by God’s principles. It is an encouraging force that builds God’s people in their faith by living it out…