“To say we are living in very interesting times is an understatement today. We are witnessing major changes in various areas of our lives that we use to take for granted. These changes are so drastic that we have had to re-define the word, normal, as the new normal. Truth…
Jesus said, “So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors” Matthew 24:33 NKJV Look around you, look at the world. Wickedness permeates every corner. I therefore say to you, “… look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”…
Ask your friends “Would you be impressed if someone prophesied that a nation could lose their identity as a nation and be scattered to the four corners of the world and then return to their original country after 2,000 years? That’s what Jesus said in Luke 21.24. You could also…
We are in the closing days of time and End Times TV exists to provide a global warning that Jesus is coming back soon. People who do not know Him as their Savior need to prepare for their eternal destiny, There are also many believers who need to wake up…