With God life is an endless hope.
Without God, life is a hopeless end.
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End Times TV
Voices in the Wilderness, a faith-filled TV show hosted by Maria Goldstein. Each week, Maria shares inspiring stories of triumph, transformation, and God’s unwavering presence in the lives of everyday people. From heartfelt testimonies to powerful biblical teachings, this show offers hope and encouragement for those navigating life’s challenges.
With compassion and purpose, Maria Goldstein shines a light on how God’s voice can guide us through even the darkest wilderness and into His abundant promises.
~Ray Cradock
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In a world that now faces possibly the worst moral decline since the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, more political upheaval than ever before and seeing prophecy fulfilled in our day with wars and rumours of wars, famines, plagues, pestilences, floods (tsunamis), an increase in earthquakes and a deluge of continuous natural disasters; it is clear that people not only need answers to their fears and anxieties, but they are searching for that relief.
Paul Henry Spake: Secretary General of the United Nations: 1957 – 1961 and Former Premier of Belgium In the General Sessions of the United Nations in 1957 said:
“We do not want another committee, we have too many already, what we want is a man of sufficient stature who can hold the allegiance of all people and lift us out of the economic morass in which we are sinking; send us such a man and be he God or the devil, we will receive him.”
This world, is crying out for answers but looking in the wrong place. The Mission of End Times TV is to be a beacon of light to people across the globe, to broadcast, with excellence, the message of Christ and His soon return; transforming, strengthening, empowering people and bringing them into a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and deepening their understanding of that relationship. The truth of God’s Word really does transform lives, saving one soul at a time with His gift of eternal life.
Weekly Shows
What’s On Today
ETTV Special 30
ETTV Special 30
Daughter of Many Mothers
23 Minutes in Hell
Dil Ministries International
Billy Graham
ETTV Special 30
Daughter of Many Mothers
Shekinah Worship
Today with God
Dil Ministries International
Billy Graham
ETTV Special 30
Dil Ministries International